
diamonddog dreamstime_xl_37448213small Marketing to the Different Generations

One Message does not Fit All In the United States today there are basically six living generations that have buying power. These various generations have had different life experiences, which in turn have shaped their buying behaviors, the marketing messages that resonate, and the advertising channels they use. This is better known as generational marketing, which companies need to consider when targeting key customer segments. One marketing message and channel do not necessarily work for all generations. In this blog, we are going to explore the characteristics of each generation and the......

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diamonddog blogging Five Reasons Blogging is an Essential Sales Tool for Your Business

Connect with Customers and Grow Your Business with Blogging The terms “blog” or “blogging” are very  popular these days.  But what really is the purpose of a blog, and how can it help increase sales for your business? Blogging can be the modern day equivalent of journaling.  It is a way for companies to offer advice or an individual perspective as a subject matter expert.  Customers are searching the internet and reading blogs as a way to find information that serves their own best interest. But how can blogging help your business? Establishes......

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