Discover the Value of QR Codes QR codes have been in existence since 1994 yet their value is still being questioned today. Recently, our team designed a client’s direct mail piece, which included a QR code. When we told him that we planned to include a QR code, he asked, “Do people still use them?” Our answer was a resounding yes! In fact, the QR code market is experiencing tremendous growth. According to Juniper Research, by 2022, 5.3 billion QR code coupons will be redeemed by smartphones and one billion smartphones will access......
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How to Guarantee Your Content Audit is a Screaming Success
Posted by:Lynn Ventimiglia-Lobit
October 28, 2019
in:Blogging, Branding, Content Marketing, E-newsletter, Influencer Marketing, Infographic, Marketing, Marketing Plan, Printed Materials, Sales & Marketing, Social Media, Video Marketing, white paper
A Step-by-Step Guide to Take the Fear out of Your Next Content Audit When you hear the word “audit” you probably associate it with adjectives such as scary, time-consuming, and complex. A content audit is no exception. However, instead of classifying it as a dreaded activity, you should view it as an opportunity. It can yield some eye-opening results as demonstrated by Microsoft. This powerhouse company conducted a content audit and discovered that its website had 10 million pages of content, but three million pages had never been visited. By removing the......
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One Message does not Fit All In the United States today there are basically six living generations that have buying power. These various generations have had different life experiences, which in turn have shaped their buying behaviors, the marketing messages that resonate, and the advertising channels they use. This is better known as generational marketing, which companies need to consider when targeting key customer segments. One marketing message and channel do not necessarily work for all generations. In this blog, we are going to explore the characteristics of each generation and the......
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Millennials to Baby Boomers are Enjoying Printed Marketing Materials The Millennial and Baby Boomer generations comprise almost 48% of the U.S. population, with over 75 million plus Millennials, and Baby Boomers just shy of the 75 million mark. These two powerful generations seem very different, and companies often market to them in polar opposite ways. Since Millennials are the first generation to grow up with technology, it is often thought that they ignore printed materials and only look to social media and online advertising. They do not read direct mail pieces or......
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