Want to Improve Your Social Media Presence?
A Few Tips to Help You Get the Most out of Your Social Media Efforts
There are over 50 million business pages on Facebook, 284 million Twitter accounts, over 600 million users on Instagram, and 50 percent of B2B buyers use LinkedIn when making a purchasing decision. Sounds like these sites provide a plethora of new opportunities! However, many social media users have not found this to be the reality. Not every type of business should have a presence on every social media site. B2C businesses may be more active on Pinterest, Facebook and Instagram while B2B businesses may want to have a presence on LinkedIn and Twitter. Success should not necessarily be measured by your number of followers, but instead by the level of engagement that ultimately translates into new opportunities, whether it be sales, partnerships or new vendors. Below are just a few tips to ensure your social media efforts are time well spent.
- Develop a Social Media Plan
Before you just start setting up social media accounts be sure to have a plan in place. First, you need to determine the best sites for your type of business. What are the user demographics of the different sites you are considering? How do these demographics match up with your ideal prospects? Second, what types of resources do you need to guarantee your presence is engaging, responsive and up-to-date? Do you have an internal social media manager or should you outsource this function? Third, list the goals you hope to achieve with your social media presence. Are you looking for increased brand visibility? Are you hoping to position your company as a thought leader? Are you just hoping to gain new sales? - Activity is Critical to Social Media Success
Once you decide to be on certain social media channels, your level of activity is critical to yielding positive results. Along with posting information, it is important to return follows, like and share content, and join groups or chats. Be active in these groups or chats. Ask questions, comment on conversations or bring up topics that are pertinent to your business. Different social media channels have various ways to engage with others, but it is key to be responsive and active. Sometimes you can even post the same content across different social media pages. Finally, have a bit of fun with your postings and let your personality come through now and again! - Make the Most of Every Social Media Post
Hashtags are key. Even several can be used in a single social media post. They are a valuable tool that can be implemented across a variety of social media sites (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter). When they are used correctly, they lead to more followers and an increased level of engagement. Next, besides just posting great content, post it with incredible visuals – video, images, and/or infographics. Visuals are particularly critical for B2C companies. Tweets with images receive 150 percent more retweets than those with only words. Facebook posts with images receive 2.3 times more engagement than those without. Infographics are liked or shared on social media three times more than any other type of content. The impact of visuals can be tremendous!
Hopefully, you have discovered a few nuggets of information that you can implement on your social media sites. If you would like to continue the conversation and discuss even more ways to make a greater impact with your social media efforts, please feel free to contact us at 847-269-1422 or info@diamonddogmarketing.com. We are always up for a great marketing conversation!
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