Don’t Waste Marketing Resources, Be Spot-On with Your Target Market Often times when I teach a workshop, I ask the question, “Who is your target market?” More than once I have received the answer, “everybody”. Business owners like to believe that everyone in the world will buy their product or service. However, this is not the case, which can result in using valuable marketing resources to pursue the wrong customers. In order to increase sales, it is critical to understand your target market and determine the most effective ways to reach it.......
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Marketing Tools to Make You a Smart Marketer When I started writing this blog, the first thing that came to mind was the song, “My Favorite Things,” that Julie Andrews sang in the movie, The Sound of Music. I know I am dating myself for a few of my readers. However, the marketing tools I am going to explore with you are a few of my favorite things that I have used consistently over the last several years. All these tools have paid versions. However, they also offer free versions, which are......
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